Is This Course for You?

Is This Course for You?

Master Lover is for each and every human being out there — whether single or in a relationship… young or old… straight, gay, or experimentative.

Master Lover is for each and every human being out there — whether single or in a relationship… young or old… straight, gay, or experimentative.

It also doesn’t matter whether you’re new or not to Tantra. It’s our promise to you that during this course you will discover, explore, and learn things you haven’t even dreamed of. 

It also doesn’t matter whether you’re new or not to Tantra. It’s our promise to you that during this course you will discover, explore, and learn things you haven’t even dreamed of. 

This course is for YOU if you’re willing to open your mind and heart to the Tantra teachings. If you want to learn to embrace your masculine and feminine side — the eternal interplay of Yin and Yang.

This course is for YOU if you’re willing to open your mind and heart to the Tantra teachings. If you want to learn to embrace your masculine and feminine side — the eternal interplay of Yin and Yang.

It’s for you if you want to go deeper into your sexuality to experience life-changing orgasms and powerful soul connection with your beloved.

It’s for you if you want to go deeper into your sexuality to experience life-changing orgasms and powerful soul connection with your beloved.

And finally — it’s for you if you want to use this powerful energy and transform it into spiritual awakening.

And finally — it’s for you if you want to use this powerful energy and transform it into spiritual awakening.

But before we move on, let me quickly introduce myself.

But before we move on, let me quickly introduce myself.

Already as a child, I was very sensitive to subtle energies and guidance from the Universe. As a young teenager, I left my hometown in California and went in search of the essence of life. I hitchhiked my way throughout North America, Europe, the Middle East, and India.

Already as a child, I was very sensitive to subtle energies and guidance from the Universe. As a young teenager, I left my hometown in California and went in search of the essence of life. I hitchhiked my way throughout North America, Europe, the Middle East, and India.

(Pretty adventurous, I know!)

(Pretty adventurous, I know!)

Finally, I ended up meeting Osho — one of the most powerful Tantra Masters in the world — in Mumbai (India) at the age of 17. I remained in his community for the next 26 years, receiving much personal guidance on the subject of meditation, Tantra, love, relationships and spirituality.

Finally, I ended up meeting Osho — one of the most powerful Tantra Masters in the world — in Mumbai (India) at the age of 17. I remained in his community for the next 26 years, receiving much personal guidance on the subject of meditation, Tantra, love, relationships and spirituality.

I’ve been teaching Tantra myself since 1990. My programs are based on Osho’s approach but are also greatly inspired by Kashmiri Tantra, the Baul Mystics, and Gorakh.

I’ve been teaching Tantra myself since 1990. My programs are based on Osho’s approach but are also greatly inspired by Kashmiri Tantra, the Baul Mystics, and Gorakh.

Simply put: the Tantra I am teaching is a living bridge between ancient and modernapproaches, which is what makes it so accessible to everyone. As mentioned before, all you need is to be passionately curious.

Simply put: the Tantra I am teaching is a living bridge between ancient and modernapproaches, which is what makes it so accessible to everyone. As mentioned before, all you need is to be passionately curious.

I moved to Europe in 1999 where I established a school devoted to Tantra and Healing Arts. But you can find me in various places around the world — teaching retreats, workshops, and facilitating teacher trainings.

I moved to Europe in 1999 where I established a school devoted to Tantra and Healing Arts. But you can find me in various places around the world — teaching retreats, workshops, and facilitating teacher trainings.

I love guiding my students on the path of self-realization and awakening. My goal is to help them crack the shell they’re trapped in — as a result of cultural conditioning and past experiences.

I love guiding my students on the path of self-realization and awakening. My goal is to help them crack the shell they’re trapped in — as a result of cultural conditioning and past experiences.

I’ve spent decades… almost my entire life… learning, researching, exploring, and experimenting — so that you can have it easier. 

I’ve spent decades… almost my entire life… learning, researching, exploring, and experimenting — so that you can have it easier. 

My experience is your shortcut — and it’s my pleasure to share it with you through this course.

My experience is your shortcut — and it’s my pleasure to share it with you through this course.

Master Lover online course is based on my Master Lover Workshop — an offline workshop that I have been teaching for years. Its tried-and-tested methods have already transformed thousands of love lives, of both singles and couples.

Master Lover online course is based on my Master Lover Workshop — an offline workshop that I have been teaching for years. Its tried-and-tested methods have already transformed thousands of love lives, of both singles and couples.

Now, Master Lover’s profound wisdom is available to anyone, from any corner of the world — at their own schedule and from the privacy of their bedroom.

Now, Master Lover’s profound wisdom is available to anyone, from any corner of the world — at their own schedule and from the privacy of their bedroom.

For more love and inspiring stories, check out the testimonial sections further down on this page.

For more love and inspiring stories, check out the testimonial sections further down on this page.

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, male or female…

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, male or female…

Ma Ananda Sarita will show you how to

Ma Ananda Sarita will show you how to

Dive Into The Tantra World Of Pleasure,

Dive Into The Tantra World Of Pleasure,

Intimacy & Consciousness

Intimacy & Consciousness

While Exploring Breathtaking Orgasms & Sensual Delights

While Exploring Breathtaking Orgasms & Sensual Delights

With the Master Lover Online Course

With the Master Lover Online Course

Launch Special: Save $200 for a Limited Time  

Launch Special: Save $200 for a Limited Time  

Imagine feeling fully alive… 

Imagine feeling fully alive… 

Experiencing everything with open heart and senses… Immersing yourself in sensual delights and breathtaking orgasms… Feeling divine power radiating from your every cell.

Experiencing everything with open heart and senses… Immersing yourself in sensual delights and breathtaking orgasms… Feeling divine power radiating from your every cell.

Imagine being able to unleash this ecstatic energy… and transform it into a spectacular, unstoppable force that shapes your life and expands your consciousness.

Imagine being able to unleash this ecstatic energy… and transform it into a spectacular, unstoppable force that shapes your life and expands your consciousness.

Wherever you are at in life right now — there are ways of making this vision come true.

Wherever you are at in life right now — there are ways of making this vision come true.

Whether it’s awakening of the senses or chakras, rekindling passion in your relationship, deepening your meditation, or finding self-love… There are Tantric tools and techniques that offer a path to your deepest fulfillment and awakening.

Whether it’s awakening of the senses or chakras, rekindling passion in your relationship, deepening your meditation, or finding self-love… There are Tantric tools and techniques that offer a path to your deepest fulfillment and awakening.

I use the word “awakening” for a very good reason… Because all of this is already within you.

I use the word “awakening” for a very good reason… Because all of this is already within you.

Deep inside, you already are this wild, ecstatic Soul that is hungry to explore the secrets of life… All you need to set yourself free is trustworthy guidance, encouragement, and knowledgeable support.

Deep inside, you already are this wild, ecstatic Soul that is hungry to explore the secrets of life… All you need to set yourself free is trustworthy guidance, encouragement, and knowledgeable support.

And so it makes me deeply happy to see you here. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Not in this case.

And so it makes me deeply happy to see you here. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Not in this case.

The great news is you don’t need any previous experience with Tantra. And if you do have it — you’re in for a treat. You also don’t need to put a label on yourself… it doesn’t matter what your relationship status, gender, or sexual orientation is.

The great news is you don’t need any previous experience with Tantra. And if you do have it — you’re in for a treat. You also don’t need to put a label on yourself… it doesn’t matter what your relationship status, gender, or sexual orientation is.

All you need is to be passionately curious.

All you need is to be passionately curious.

Tantra is a lifestyle — just like yoga is. It blends and explores the depths of love, sexuality, and spirituality.

Tantra is a lifestyle — just like yoga is. It blends and explores the depths of love, sexuality, and spirituality.

One of the ultimate experiences of Tantra is to bring together two opposites — the feminine and the masculine — and through this union to experience The Divine. 

One of the ultimate experiences of Tantra is to bring together two opposites — the feminine and the masculine — and through this union to experience The Divine. 

Because we all have these two elements within us. It doesn’t matter whether you’re starting this transformation by yourself or with a partner.

Because we all have these two elements within us. It doesn’t matter whether you’re starting this transformation by yourself or with a partner.

The only thing that matters here is your sacred journey of awakening into who you are truly meant to be. And it’s my honor and pleasure to be your Guide along the way.

The only thing that matters here is your sacred journey of awakening into who you are truly meant to be. And it’s my honor and pleasure to be your Guide along the way.

Here are some of the benefits you’ll experience

Here are some of the benefits you’ll experience

Benefits for women

Benefits for women

Discover different types of orgasms & their healing powers

Discover different types of orgasms & their healing powers

Release stagnant energy & embrace Your-Wildest-Self

Release stagnant energy & embrace Your-Wildest-Self

Feel empowered, fulfilled & ecstatically alive in and outside of the bedroom

Feel empowered, fulfilled & ecstatically alive in and outside of the bedroom

Discover your true nature

Discover your true nature

Benefits for men

Benefits for men

 Develop full-body orgasms

 Develop full-body orgasms

 Make love for hours… and hours…

 Make love for hours… and hours…

Feel empowered, fulfilled & ecstatically alive in and outside of the bedroom

Feel empowered, fulfilled & ecstatically alive in and outside of the bedroom

 Discover your true nature

 Discover your true nature

Benefits for individuals

Benefits for individuals

 Feel confident as a lover, partner & independent human being

 Feel confident as a lover, partner & independent human being

 Master the art of self pleasure & experience deep, ecstatic orgasms

 Master the art of self pleasure & experience deep, ecstatic orgasms

 Feel aligned & connected with your True Self

 Feel aligned & connected with your True Self

Benefits for couples

Benefits for couples

 Give pleasure beyond belief… to your partner & yourself

 Give pleasure beyond belief… to your partner & yourself

 Deepen your relationship & acknowledge your soulmate

 Deepen your relationship & acknowledge your soulmate

 Transform love making into spiritual practice

 Transform love making into spiritual practice

Your Instructor Ma Ananda Sarita

Your Instructor Ma Ananda Sarita

Hi, my name is Ma Ananda Sarita and I’m the Tantra Master behind the “Master Lover” online course. I’m also a healer, a consultant, and an author of two books on Tantra.

Hi, my name is Ma Ananda Sarita and I’m the Tantra Master behind the “Master Lover” online course. I’m also a healer, a consultant, and an author of two books on Tantra.

I’m extremely excited to see you here, as you’re about to embark on the most sensual journey you could possibly imagine. It is my mission to not only give you all the tools and guidance you’ll need… but also to create a safe and trusted environment for you to transform into your most fulfilled, ecstatic self.

I’m extremely excited to see you here, as you’re about to embark on the most sensual journey you could possibly imagine. It is my mission to not only give you all the tools and guidance you’ll need… but also to create a safe and trusted environment for you to transform into your most fulfilled, ecstatic self.

How You Will Transform

How You Will Transform

In this Tantra course, Sarita will take you through six stages of transformation. You’ll get all the necessary tools, empowerment, and support to fully benefit from this journey.

In this Tantra course, Sarita will take you through six stages of transformation. You’ll get all the necessary tools, empowerment, and support to fully benefit from this journey.

You’re going to learn through theory and practice: lectures, meditations, rituals, dance sessions, massages, and more.

You’re going to learn through theory and practice: lectures, meditations, rituals, dance sessions, massages, and more.

It’s going to be six modules in total, each containing video sessions and exercises. You can binge-watch them over a weekend or consume them slowly over a few weeks. Whatever works best.

It’s going to be six modules in total, each containing video sessions and exercises. You can binge-watch them over a weekend or consume them slowly over a few weeks. Whatever works best.

Please remember though that Tantra is a journey for a lifetime, not a one-night-stand. 

Please remember though that Tantra is a journey for a lifetime, not a one-night-stand. 

If you really want to move your sexuality and spirituality to the next level, treat Tantra as your conscious lifestyle choice. You don’t brush your teeth once a year and expect it to work… do you?

If you really want to move your sexuality and spirituality to the next level, treat Tantra as your conscious lifestyle choice. You don’t brush your teeth once a year and expect it to work… do you?

That said, let’s see what’s going to happen if you commit to Master Lover…

That said, let’s see what’s going to happen if you commit to Master Lover…

Class Curriculum

Class Curriculum

Free Course Preview:

Free Course Preview:

Curious about what’s inside? Check out this preview here.

Not sure if this course is right for you? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions and relax with the 30 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee.

Curious about what’s inside? Check out this preview here.

Not sure if this course is right for you? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions and relax with the 30 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee.

Module 1 — Male & Female Anatomy

Module 1 — Male & Female Anatomy

First things first. Before we move anywhere, you have to get to know your own body, your capacity for pleasure — and your partner’s, too. As a part of introduction, Ma Ananda Sarita and Dr. Dharmaraj will explain to you the female and male sexual anatomy.

First things first. Before we move anywhere, you have to get to know your own body, your capacity for pleasure — and your partner’s, too. As a part of introduction, Ma Ananda Sarita and Dr. Dharmaraj will explain to you the female and male sexual anatomy.

Sarita is really passionate about this subject and has studied it for years. This is how she found out that there’s a lot of misinformation out there, doing you disservice… and it’s about time to change it. Trust us, this chapter is not only about the genitals — there’s a microcosmos to explore including experiential exercises to awaken the senses.

Sarita is really passionate about this subject and has studied it for years. This is how she found out that there’s a lot of misinformation out there, doing you disservice… and it’s about time to change it. Trust us, this chapter is not only about the genitals — there’s a microcosmos to explore including experiential exercises to awaken the senses.

Module 2 — The Chakra Journey

Module 2 — The Chakra Journey

Discover chakras — the human energy system — and how the Universe reflects itself in it. Sarita will guide you through the seven chakras, will show you how they vibrate differently in men and women and how they influence each other.

Discover chakras — the human energy system — and how the Universe reflects itself in it. Sarita will guide you through the seven chakras, will show you how they vibrate differently in men and women and how they influence each other.

You’ll also discover how to experience orgasms in different chakras; what is the phenomenon of the soulmate, and how to recognize one. Sarita will then show you, through chakra dance and meditation, how to integrate this knowledge into the sexual union.

You’ll also discover how to experience orgasms in different chakras; what is the phenomenon of the soulmate, and how to recognize one. Sarita will then show you, through chakra dance and meditation, how to integrate this knowledge into the sexual union.

Module 3 — Self Pleasuring

Module 3 — Self Pleasuring

Self-pleasure is an important practice for every man and woman because it forms a blueprint in our sexual being and programs our sexual behavior. Many of us have developed patterns (through pornography, mindless masturbation, or repression of natural sexual impulses) that hurt us and our lovers.

Self-pleasure is an important practice for every man and woman because it forms a blueprint in our sexual being and programs our sexual behavior. Many of us have developed patterns (through pornography, mindless masturbation, or repression of natural sexual impulses) that hurt us and our lovers.

Sarita will show you — through various self-pleasuring rituals — how to reprogram your body and mind to be able to make love longer, deeper, without shame… and how to use these techniques for ecstasy and spiritual awakening.

Sarita will show you — through various self-pleasuring rituals — how to reprogram your body and mind to be able to make love longer, deeper, without shame… and how to use these techniques for ecstasy and spiritual awakening.

Module 4 — Ambience & Ritual

Module 4 — Ambience & Ritual

When we go into ritual space, our intuitive part of the brain awakens. It’s the rituals that transform sexual union into a divine experience. They nurture you and your deepest longings. They can be very simple, like drinking a cup of tea or taking a bath together, in a conscious way. They also can be more sassy, like the art of striptease or sensual dancing.

When we go into ritual space, our intuitive part of the brain awakens. It’s the rituals that transform sexual union into a divine experience. They nurture you and your deepest longings. They can be very simple, like drinking a cup of tea or taking a bath together, in a conscious way. They also can be more sassy, like the art of striptease or sensual dancing.

Sarita will guide you through the world of Tantra rituals and will show you how to prepare your space for sacred love making. (Hint: it has nothing to do with “Netflix and chill”.)

Sarita will guide you through the world of Tantra rituals and will show you how to prepare your space for sacred love making. (Hint: it has nothing to do with “Netflix and chill”.)

Module 5 — Spiral to Heaven

Module 5 — Spiral to Heaven

“Spiral To Heaven” is a signature technique that Sarita developed after decades of working on herself, with couples from very different backgrounds, and doing deep-healing sessions with individuals.

“Spiral To Heaven” is a signature technique that Sarita developed after decades of working on herself, with couples from very different backgrounds, and doing deep-healing sessions with individuals.

That’s where all the previous elements — rituals, meditations, chakra dance, and so on — finally come together. Here you’ll not only learn how to fully give and fully receive but also how to move from simply having sex to experiencing a divine union.

That’s where all the previous elements — rituals, meditations, chakra dance, and so on — finally come together. Here you’ll not only learn how to fully give and fully receive but also how to move from simply having sex to experiencing a divine union.

Module 6 — Art of Fulfillment

Module 6 — Art of Fulfillment

As you already know, opposites love to dance together — like Yin and Yang — and Tantra gives you the techniques to play with these two polarities. The secret to ecstatic lovemaking is to equally honor both of them. And so you will learn to ride the waves of passion… move gracefully to stillness… and back to blissful exploration.

As you already know, opposites love to dance together — like Yin and Yang — and Tantra gives you the techniques to play with these two polarities. The secret to ecstatic lovemaking is to equally honor both of them. And so you will learn to ride the waves of passion… move gracefully to stillness… and back to blissful exploration.

You’ll discover the difference between various orgasms and how to extend your lovemaking for hours. Finally, you’ll learn to surrender and merge two bodies into one soul. In this module, Sarita will guide you, through Peaks and Valleys meditation, to a complete Tantra transformation.

You’ll discover the difference between various orgasms and how to extend your lovemaking for hours. Finally, you’ll learn to surrender and merge two bodies into one soul. In this module, Sarita will guide you, through Peaks and Valleys meditation, to a complete Tantra transformation.

What Sarita’s Students Say

What Sarita’s Students Say

Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

"Sarita is a truly wonderful spiritual teacher. For me, she embodies the very heart and spirit of Tantra. I experience a very clear transmission of this healing and sacred tradition when in her presence.”

"Sarita is a truly wonderful spiritual teacher. For me, she embodies the very heart and spirit of Tantra. I experience a very clear transmission of this healing and sacred tradition when in her presence.”



“Your teaching was brilliant and very professional; your sharing was exquisitely touching, vulnerable, sensitive and open and I think every one of us felt privileged to be there. With deep love and gratitude.”

“Your teaching was brilliant and very professional; your sharing was exquisitely touching, vulnerable, sensitive and open and I think every one of us felt privileged to be there. With deep love and gratitude.”

“A powerful journey that has transformed our relationship, bringing a love depth of connectedness I didn’t imagine could grow so quickly. Sarita is a wonderful teacher who holds a true source of knowledge, unique and inspirational, overflowing with light and beauty.”

“A powerful journey that has transformed our relationship, bringing a love depth of connectedness I didn’t imagine could grow so quickly. Sarita is a wonderful teacher who holds a true source of knowledge, unique and inspirational, overflowing with light and beauty.”

“The meditations have opened me to experience my deepest longings … I feel that deep connection in lovemaking in ways I have never experienced before, becoming earth, and opening, surrendering to the universe.”

“The meditations have opened me to experience my deepest longings … I feel that deep connection in lovemaking in ways I have never experienced before, becoming earth, and opening, surrendering to the universe.”



“It was a reconnection with something very, very ancient, deep and sacred. It feels like a new beginning. It is taking the first real steps into Tantra with my partner. I am very grateful for being guided into this experience.”

“It was a reconnection with something very, very ancient, deep and sacred. It feels like a new beginning. It is taking the first real steps into Tantra with my partner. I am very grateful for being guided into this experience.”



“The workshop gave me the gift of believing it is possible for me to be in a relationship. This was an impossible dream beforehand. I have no experience how to give and receive love. The workshop gave me some confidence and made me able to open up and share with trustful men, in a safe environment with wonderful teachers. I gave and received touch and caring which healed me a lot.” 

“The workshop gave me the gift of believing it is possible for me to be in a relationship. This was an impossible dream beforehand. I have no experience how to give and receive love. The workshop gave me some confidence and made me able to open up and share with trustful men, in a safe environment with wonderful teachers. I gave and received touch and caring which healed me a lot.” 

If This Inspires You — Join the Ride

If This Inspires You — Join the Ride

We invite you to the world of Tantra, where you’ll be taught to own your pleasure and your power. Where you’ll be guided and empowered to become the most fulfilled and blissful version of yourself. 

We invite you to the world of Tantra, where you’ll be taught to own your pleasure and your power. Where you’ll be guided and empowered to become the most fulfilled and blissful version of yourself. 

What’s crucial, you’ll be able to take this journey within the safety of your bedroom — on your own terms, schedule and pace.

What’s crucial, you’ll be able to take this journey within the safety of your bedroom — on your own terms, schedule and pace.

Join Now to Become a Master Lover

Join Now to Become a Master Lover

 Launch Special: Save $200 for a limited time

 Launch Special: Save $200 for a limited time



“Nurture yourself, challenge yourself, expand yourself… I did all these and much more on the course. A beautiful gift I will cherish forever.”

“Nurture yourself, challenge yourself, expand yourself… I did all these and much more on the course. A beautiful gift I will cherish forever.”

Anne France

Anne France

“We have tasted the vibrations of love, licked the sensuous, touched the sacred, danced the universal sounds, sung the emotion of the heart, and tamed the light.”

“We have tasted the vibrations of love, licked the sensuous, touched the sacred, danced the universal sounds, sung the emotion of the heart, and tamed the light.”

Here’s What Tantra Teacher Layla Martin Says About Ma Ananda Sarita

Here’s What Tantra Teacher Layla Martin Says About Ma Ananda Sarita





 Special Bonus: 3 Live Q&A Group Sessions with Ma Ananda Sarita 

 Special Bonus: 3 Live Q&A Group Sessions with Ma Ananda Sarita